After this weekend, I can honestly HONESTLY say that there has been enough drama in my life to fuel a bad soap opera and a half. I am really past it now and think it is high time we all moved on and cut the cord to the past. The past is just that and I intend to make it my personal mission to keep it very much that way. No more hate or scornful behavior. If I don't like someone, then I don't have to talk to them or even acknowledge their existance. That is that really. No more nasty comments, snipes or any such behavior, I have a lot better things to focus on and to be honest, people who have nothing better to do than cause conflict really don't interest me. At all.
I am finally happy that I won my battle with Disability Living Allowance and I received a princely backpayment, which I spent on (as well as a load of treats for me, a reward for keeping on when things really were hard) numerous bills (mainly paying over counters and cash), Tom's birthday present and looking after the people who looked after me over the last month. I have a lot to thank my friends and extended "Family" for. Their support during all of this has been so gratefully received.
It was a battle that I had been fighting for about 6 months to a year. This battle was with the Department for Work and Pensions or DWP for short. The Disability Living Allowance system is notorious for its difficulty and the form itself is a minefield to wade through. If done properly (like mine was on my 3rd attempt) it can take up to 3 hours to complete. You have to really detail the specifics of your condition, even the things that normally you would make light of or try and see the funny side.
My appointment with DIAL (North Worcestershire) was the most draining experience I have had in my life. 3 Hours of talking to a stranger about what my illness is like and what I have to do to be able to cope and it is absolutely staggering. I left the appointment subdued and almost in tears because it was that hard going. Things which I hadn't given a second thought were now things that I had been considering more and more as time went on.
It is good that the people I care about and know me well do not look down on me or my situation harshly, in particular on the issue on me getting the flat when the relationship ended. Anyone who does judge me either doesn't matter or were not true friends so they do not matter to me, I do not need people who make those kind of judgements without knowing the full story really aren't worth my time. The people who looked out for me and supported me throughout this are wonderful and I could never ask for better friends, nor a better and more wonderful man in my life.
Tom is so caring and kind, so different to what I am used to. He makes me feel confident and self assured. I smile and laugh so much more now and I feel more alive than I have in a long time. I have had the confidence to try an old look I used to have back in my teens (complete with a pageboy fringe (Thank you mother) ) I have had my hair re-dyed and braided so it looks awesome.
Quick Update
10 years ago
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