Hope really does whisper "Try it one more time." Well my Hope tends to just squeak cutely at me, but in general, hope is always there to remind you that everything can and probably will work out eventually. It's like my nan used to say "It'll all come out in the wash." and I really am beginning to thing that after my mega explosion yesterday, I have finally started turning the corner, and getting everything organised back to how it should have been. I admit its not that easy, but at the end of the day, if something is worth doing, it won't be easy. So there is a lot of hope around at the moment.
A text from a friend started today's fortune. Penny is amazing and ever since we started talking she has helped me so much with everything and I honestly couldn't be more thankful to have someone this incredible and wonderful in my life. She has helped me again, with a new mesh for my Omron. My Omron is really my lifeline and when the mesh split a few days ago, I really didn't anticipate the chaos that it would cause. Luckily I still had my Freeway at my feet so I was able to have my nebs as I needed to, I just avoided it after a certain time so as to not upset the neighbours.
Next came another visit from the housing officer. He spent the evening last night trying to work out how he could actually help us now with getting our Housing Benefit back-dated and he came up with a really good solution. All we need now is the bank statements to prove that we were living on no income for that month, which really won't be that hard to do. Why no one remembered this sooner, I don't know as it would have saved us a year of hassle, stress and the constant fear of losing our home. But then again, there really is no point in lamenting the past, it can't be changed so we just now have to do what we can, with the budget we drew up and just try and get back on an even keel. It shouldn't be that hard now.
As for me, well I spent the morning hunting for the last piece of Steve's Halo Lego which faced a rather smashing side of my rage, for something that is not supposed to, that stuff can fly really well! We were finding bits of it everywhere. The last piece was behind my guitars, I only looked there because I was curious to make sure all the shrapnel of the cup was found and gotten rid of. Lo and behold there it was, a purple cross shaped thing was nestled in. So he will be very VERY happy when he comes back and I tell him ALL of our good news.
Wendy xx
Quick Update
10 years ago
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